Friday, May 9, 2008

We're Fine

Just in case you hear about the storm on the news =)

The weatherman predicted well yesterday morning. We ended up under a tornado watch from 7:30pm until 1am. A storm went by north of us at about 8:30pm. I missed Grey's due to the news coming on, so no spoilers until I can watch it online please!

I read from this amazing book (soon to be movie) until I couldn't stay awake anymore and went to bed about 11:30. About 2:30 I woke up to noises and Emily in our bed. I heard thunder, but was too sleepy to react to it. I fell back asleep listening to the wind rain and thunder. This morning I found out it was a pretty big storm that came through. 1700 homes are without power in our county, 2400 in the county next door. Traffic reports are bad due to debris on roads and there are delays at the airport. Walking to the bus stop we noticed lots of leaves blown from trees and dirt across sidewalks where it flooded. When I got home and checked my email I see a tornado warning was issued at about 2:30 (when I woke up). On one hand, I'm glad we pretty much slept through it (sirens and all), but I guess that's easy to say when nothing bad happened. Maybe I better find a NOAA radio that has an alarm on it like this portable one. I can't imagine hauling the kids and animals into the bathroom in the middle of the night, but the warnings are issued for a reason. I have been assembling an emergency kit in a Rubbermaid tub. We have 3 days worth of food, toiletries, first aid supplies, some medication (Tylenol, Tums, etc), flashlights, candles, glow sticks, plastic sheeting, duct tape, garbage bags, hand warmers... I need to add in a change of clothing for each of us and some small games. I also need to make copies of all our important documents to put in the tub. I'm getting there.

Sam's off to work and the kids are off to school. Emily has a field trip to Davidson (home of the Elite Eight basketball team) today, but since lots of parents had volunteered, I'm sitting this one out. I think I'm off to Mooresville to do a little shopping. Blake has outgrown more pants if you can believe it. I hope I can find 14 slims with adjustable waist! One more size after this until we have to shop the "Young Men's" department. Accckkkkk, he's my baby boy, not a man for goodness sakes! The kid has not gained a pound, but keeps getting taller! I think I may find him some protein drinks and a set of weights to curl, lol! He's skin and bones!

Tomorrow we have baseball pictures at 8am followed by a 9am game. Who the heck scheduled that nonsense?! We may make a trip to Kernersville after baseball to check out the area, but I'll know for sure later today. I'll send a prize to the first person to correctly guess why we'd check out Kernersville!


Becky ♥ said...

Because Sam is getting a job with KHI and your going to move there??? ;)

Anonymous said...

Let us know how it all turns out. Thanks for all the updates and again enjoy all the pictures.We did hear about the storms you have been having down there.I hope we still can get down there in Aug.

