Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ding Ding Ding

Wow Becky, you're on your game! Be looking for a goodie in the mail =) We didn't get all the info as quickly as we thought since the boss is busy in Darlington, but I'll share any news if/when it becomes official.

Last night we met up with Sam's co-worker and his 4yo son to go see Speed Racer. It was really cool and had graphics like I've never seen before. Good story line too and a great mix of the old and new. Little Speed kind of reminds me of somebody...

This morning we were up and at em early for baseball. I don't think our boys are morning people though. They really struggled and were down by 4 when the ump called "last inning". The Roll Tide put on their rally hats and scored an impressive 3 runs, but it still left them short. Blake got another hit and an RBI off a bunt. Bubbie said he messed up by missing a couple pop flies that came his way, but he still feels proud. Momma is too!

I guess Sam plans on taking the kids shopping this afternoon (nothing like waiting until the last minute huh), so no road trip today. It's beautiful outside, so maybe we'll head to the pool after lunch until Sam gets home from "work". Hopefully we can get out and do something tomorrow.

1 comment:

Thompson Family said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!!! See there is a reason you guys are still in that apartment ;-) Happy Mothers Day!!!!!! Miss you guys lots.