Monday, March 3, 2008

Ups and Downs

Sorry I slacked on the blogging last week.
Sam was actually with us 4 days out of the past 8! That's the upside.
The down side is he's home because work is tapering off and he had the NASCAR flu that's going around. Sam is still working in the shop with 5 other guys, but as of now the truck racing is on hold indefinitely. Last week he laid off some great guys. He said it was the hardest thing he's had to do in a long time. The plan is to get a couple cars ready for Nick (Scott's brother) to race in the GN division in Phoenix April 10 but after that...? Maybe they will go truck racing again in a few months, but we just don't know. I'm hoping Sam got the chance to speak with his mentor out here and has a fresh outlook today.
On the upside again, the weather is absolutely PERFECT here. It's been in the lower 70's and we just love it! Trees and flowers are blooming, more boats can be seen on the lake....ahhhh. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All things work for the good of it all!
Stay focused on your goals and your dreams will stay with you.Never,never never give up!
We love all you guys and something better is always on the horizon.I need to call you the first of next week or sooner
LOVE you all
Grandpa Larry