Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Days go by ...

So it's been a whole week since my last post huh? Sorry about that. Time's all a jumble I guess.

So, on to what we Roebuck's have been up to.

Thursday I volunteered for Field Day at the kids' school. The weather was great, overcast and upper 70's. The events were ran exceptionally well. I was amazed at the number of parents there. I think parent involvement speaks volumes about the school. The kids had a fun time doing all sorts of physical activities. Those shirts they are all wearing have the names of the the entire 5th grade graduating class. How cool is that?

Sam left for Dover that morning too. Despite fighting a tight truck the guys had trouble loosening up, Jack finished second! His previous average finish at Dover was 17th. The race was over by 8 and they got to fly home that night which was great. One of the perks of private planes for sure. Here's a quote from a KHI press release last week where Mr Sprague says: "I think I’m in good shape and I have a great shot at the championship. It’s important every week to keep narrowing the gap to first even if you do not move up any positions. We have been narrowing that gap for the last three weeks and hope to continue that trend." Hee, heee, that was Sam's third week with the team!

Saturday Blake's team played one game and were eliminated from the tournament. They had beat the team before, but no luck this go 'round. The umpire called time and left before the commissioner could inform him there were no time limits in tournament play. The umpire was a doozy I tell ya. Anyhew, we all really enjoyed Blake's games, getting to know the kids and their families. We're really going to miss it.

We hung out at the pool the rest of the day after the game. Even Sam came down and enjoyed it with us. The pool is something I am desperately going to miss if we ever get out of here.

I have been longing for a house more than ever. I don't even care what it is anymore. I just want a place of my own and a yard to hang out in. *sigh* Back to the subject.

That evening we took the neighbor boy to the Rocking Rib Fest and Rodeo in nearby Troutman. It was a rinky dink event, but fun nonetheless. The kids (and mom) played in some inflatable toys. We looked at the booths, they had ribs and fries, we watched the calf roping and bull riding, they had ice cream, then we listened to a band and headed home.

Sunday the kids played inside until I caved and took them to the pool. The neighbor met us and ended up watching all the kids while Sam and I took a drive (to look at houses) and had dinner. We ate at a new place called Carrabbas. New to us anyway. I had a salad and Sam had their version of Olive Garden's Tour Of Italy. It was good. I was able to resist the pasta, bread and cheese this time (unlike at Olive Garden on my birthday). That diet breaker had me off track for 2 weeks! I'm doing well though, down about 17 pounds! I won't say what I was up to. It was bad.

This week and next, I'm watching the neighbor boy after school. His mom got a new job, so I'm helping out until he leaves to spend the summer with his dad. I tell you, when they get together with another boy or two, there's trouble every day. Nothing big thankfully. Boys.... Today the 96 degree heat proved to be a little much and they stayed in most the afternoon.

Summer weather is here. The 7 day forecast shows all 90's. I've only noticed the humidity a couple of days so far, whew! Every day also comes with the threat of thunder showers. I actually enjoy that. Summer afternnon storms have always been a favorite thing of mine. Hurricane season has started too. I'm feeling pretty good about our emergency kit. Hopefully it never has to be used.

Sam left this afternoon for Texas. He's sure getting to see alot of places. They could really use a win to boost morale and their points standing (although they have risen 3 spots already). My fingers are crossed. It's been 32 races since Jack has had a win. He holds the track record at TMS, so maybe this will be the one!

So that's all of our big news for the week. Hope you've had a good one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure is good to hear from you! We are having the opposite type of weather. highs only in the 60's.Glad to see those pictures and see you all. Great job on the weight lose. Any plans for the summer yet? We still hope to get out there this Aug.or maybe I'll come later and catch a race!!Proud as can be for all of you LOVE
Grandpa Larry