Tuesday was another shopping day, Blake's turn! We went to the sporting goods store for him, where he was treated to a few of his favorite, Under Armor, pieces to add to his wardrobe. We also hit Target and picked up some stylin' new backpacks. Thanks Nana & Papa! After the kids' shopping we went to Camping World, and JR for Nana and Papa to do a little shopping. It was fun to look through the store and some motor homes, but it was scorching hot that day and we were melting as we went through them. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for some yummy dinner. It was mom's favorite place to eat, even with the carrot incident =) She ordered them with her meal and was apologized to several times for the delay on getting them to her. She finally gave up and asked for a salad instead. As our waitress put down her substitute, Blake noticed carrots being delivered to the table next door and said "Nana, didn't you order carrots? There they are". Maybe you had to be there, but we got quite a kick out of it. Blake and Papa had fun playing the peg game they have at each table and Papa tried to get me to stash it in my purse (I took a shaker from Pizza Hut as a teen when my mom said she'd like to have one, and he won't let me live it down). After dinner we were browsing the gift store and I noticed they were selling the games. I dediced to buy one and trick Papa into thinking I took it. He laughed when I pulled it out of my purse later, and it wasn't until the next day that I had to tell him I actually paid for it! We spent probably a good half an hour rocking in the chairs outside before calling it a night.
Wednesday we went to Race World USA, where Michael Waltrip Racing is located. They have quite a setup. There are several areas of the shop viewable from the main floor as well as a gift shop. You can also purchase tickets for a short movie, full tour, upstairs, downstairs and outside. It was really neat. We even got to watch the pit crew practicing. Super cool place to visit. Michael McDowell was there being fitted and helping adjust his seats in a couple cars. As we were getting ready to leave they told us Mr Waltrip was there too. We went back to look for him, but never saw him. We did however, watch David Ruiteman tape some kind of interview. We gave up on MW and headed out to the car. Blake noticed David getting in his truck, so of course I had to wait and see him drive out. Sure enough he came through in his ordinary Toyota Tacoma pickup. We let him go and then proceeded ourselves. There were a few vehicles between us, but we quickly ended up right behind him. We joked about memorizing his license plate and as the light changed we followed him through the light. As we got to the next intersection, we realized he was going the same way we were headed and cracked up joking that we were stalking him. He eventually turned into a parking lot, surely to ditch us crazies! LOL!
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