The guest bath needs different curtain rings and a different rug. This room, as well as all the others will be beautiful when painted (thinking a rich orangey/copper for here).
The familyroom is a little closer, at least it has furniture, lol! In here we need some tables (including a big round one for the center of the room), a tv stand to conceal the equipment and cords, more wall art, plants to pull in the outside, and some drapes. We have fantasized about raising the fireplace to create a hearth and putting stone up the chimney wall. This picture made me realize how dwarfed those candles on the mantle are.
I love my kitchen. There is so much cabinet and counter space. We didn't think it needed blinds in here, but it does. I purchased a vallance, but inside the package was actually a tier, so I need to get it exchanged. It could probably use some rugs, but I'm not sure how to coordinate them with the rugs in front of the doors. I don't want 5 of the same rugs either. I'll have to ponder that one a while. Eventually we'd like to upgrade to hardwoods and granite countertops (I hate what's in there now). I need to do something, like put up a towel bar, to cover that outlet on the island. I'm glad there is one there, but wish it was on the other end so it didn't stick out like a sore thumb.
The breakfast room needs some pop, maybe window treatments. Sam thinks we need an area rug, but I cringe at the thought of a rug under where we eat, kinda skeeves me out thinking how nasty it would get.
The master bedroom looks great with the new furniture. We have never in 12 years had a real bed, not to mention coordinating furniture. I also got new lamps. This room still needs drapes, a bench at the foot of the bed, and some kind of seating arrangement. Gotta do something about the cords here too. This room will be painted something from the gold family.
The kids bath is so fun. I love the bright colors. Notice the paint chip on the wall? I'm thinking of going yellow in here, gender nuetral and all.. Think I should put an actual picture in that frame?
OMG - The projects and wish lists are endless! I'll post more of the rooms later. I'm open to advise and suggestions too if there are any creative decorating divas out there =) We are going to have a great time, but it will take a long time, lol!