Monday, January 14, 2008

First Daytona Test

Well, Sam and the guys made it home about 10pm last night. Since the test was rained out, the guys were able to come home a day early, ya! Sam said it was a pretty cool experience, but alot of hard work and he was glad it is over and he's home (us too). I think Sam had maybe 2 days off in the last 2 months. It was a tough road to get there, but WRE set some respectable times and the shop guys are proud of what they accomplished.

Sam took today off to recoup, but I haven't seen him since 11 am, lol. The guy just never quits. He rode with me to drop the kids off at school and then we grabbed some coffees at Starbucks. On the way home we drove some roads we haven't been down yet. It's amazing how much there is to see and how much you miss if you don't make a point to look.

Anyhew, next thing scheduled is testing in Atlanta on the 23rd. Sam says that truck is close to being done, but it will still be a busy week.

Here's hoping that you all, no matter how busy life gets, make some time this week to explore someplace new and appreciate what's all around you!


Anonymous said...

Wow its almost that time here again when Kriss is back to the shop workin on the race car! It's amazing how time flys just fills like yesterday, was the last race! Well we read your blog on a daily basis, it makes us fill like you guys are still 5 miles away istead all the way across the U.S. Well with reading yours it has inspired me to do one! I just started doing it tonight! But I'm a picture taker so don't think I will have a problem & its my goal to keep it updated so wish me luck... fill free to drop in & see what we have been up to tell Sam & the kids we all said hello & take care Till next time Love Ya & Miss all of you! Steph & the gang

Anonymous said...

oops its Sorry :)